Why Choose Us?
- We have the experience.
- 1000’s of patients treated.
- We get the RESULTS you want.
- We handle all your insurance.
- Appointments are fast, thorough and with NO waiting.
- We are gentle for all ages.
- We are nice and easy to work with.
- We are easy to get to and from.
- We have cash and family plans.
- If we can’t help you we will make a referral to someone who can!
Free Consultation
Please fill out the form below to request your complimentary consultation with Dr. Luke James.
New Patient Forms
Below are our new patient forms. Please print them out, review, and complete them. Then bring them to your initial appointment.
Patient Information
Below are the new patient forms. Please print out, review, and complete the following forms and bring to your initial appointment.
Patient Intake
Below are the new patient forms. Please print out, review, and complete the following forms and bring to your initial appointment.
Located just west of downtown Noblesville
Dr. James and the staff at Peak Performance Chiropractic will show you genuine caring concern while relieving you from pain and throughout maintaining your wellness! Dr. James is skilled in a multitude of proven chiropractic techniques that provide quality pain free care! We do not only care for the patient with symptoms, but also for the patient wanting to achieve optimum health by having their body function at its maximum potential. Whether you’ve “been everywhere” and received little to no results or you are looking for an even higher quality of life, your health goals will be met at Peak Performance Chiropractic.
We provide a whole host of solutions to help you get over your current condition and feel better than you have before! Chiropractic care covers a wide range of issues including neck pain, back pain, numbness, sciatica, sports and repetitive motion injuries, and much more! Dr. James has helped thousands experience natural healing without surgery or drugs! If you are looking for a skilled chiropractic doctor in Noblesville, Westfield, Carmel, Fishers or surrounding the Northern Indianapolis area, call 317.219.5214 or use the convenient “Free Consultation” button on this page.
Our office is located at 815 Westfield Road, Noblesville, IN, 46062

Above: Dr. Luke James and a young patient
Meet Dr. Luke James
Dr. James chose the beautiful city of Noblesville to establish his practice due to its great location and many of its surrounding activities. He has treated patients in the age range of the youngest being a few months old up through the oldest being 98! He is dedicated to serving the residents of Noblesville and their families by helping them achieve their maximum health potential through chiropractic care. Chiropractic works, and it can work for you!
Education and Licensure
- Associate Doctor of Chiropractic- Hicks Chiropractic Health Center – 2012
- Palmer College of Chiropractic – Doctor of Chiropractic – 2011
- Palmer College of Chiropractic – Bachelors of Science – 2011
- Doctor of Chiropractic, Licensed in the State of Indiana – 2011
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part IV – 2011
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part III – 2011
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Physiotherapy – 2011
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part II – 2011
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part I – 2010
Google Reviews
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Latest News from Peak Performance Chiropractic
Hamilton County’s Top Chiropractor!
Thank you to everyone near and afar who voted for us and helped us become Hamilton County's Top Chiropractor for the second year in a row!! We are truly blessed!
Thank you to those of you whom already have generously donated!
Hey guys! We have 10 more days to get the Toys for Tots box filled!! Thank you to those of you whom already have generously donated! We are more than 3/4 of the way there!! Pick up is December 17th!! #toysfortots #Chiropractic #giveback
Adjusting Batman
I had the awesome opportunity today to adjust "Batman"... We are keeping Batman well so he can keep our streets safe!!!